Top 6 Types Of Salmon You Should To Know


When most people think of salmon, they think of the pinkish-orange fish that is often served in restaurants. However, there are many different types of salmon, each with its own unique flavor and texture.

Salmon can be cooked in a variety of ways, making it a versatile protein choice for any meal. Whether you’re looking for something rich and fatty or light and flaky, there’s a type of salmon for you.

There are many types of salmon, but they all have one thing in common: they’re all delicious. Salmon is a healthy and delicious protein that can be enjoyed in a variety of ways.

In this blog post, we’ll take a look at some of the most common types of salmon and discuss what makes them unique. We will also discuss how to tell them apart and where they come from.

So whether you’re an experienced cook or just starting out, read on to learn more about this delicious fish!

Wild Salmon vs Farmed Salmon

Wild salmon are caught in the open ocean or in rivers, while farmed salmon are raised in captivity.

Wild-caught salmon is, as you might expect, caught in the wild. Wild salmon is generally considered to be healthier than farm-raised salmon, as it’s not exposed to the same antibiotics and other chemicals.

Moreover, wild salmon live in a more natural environment and have a diet that consists of other fish and small crustaceans. Farmed salmon, on the other hand, are typically fed a diet of pellets and other grain-based products.

Wild-caught salmon is higher in omega-3 fatty acids, which are good for your heart and brain health, and it has a more robust flavor. That said, wild-caught salmon can be more expensive than farm-raised salmon, and it can be difficult to find year-round.

Farmed salmon is, as the name implies, raised on a salmon farm. Salmon farms are typically found in coastal areas, and they use large nets to enclose the fish.

Farm-raised salmon is typically lower in omega-3 fatty acids than wild-caught salmon, but it’s also less expensive and easier to find in stores.

One of the main concerns with farm-raised salmon is the use of antibiotics and other chemicals. These chemicals can sometimes leach into the water and potentially impact the health of wild fish populations.

In terms of nutrition, both wild and farmed salmon are excellent sources of protein, omega-3 fatty acids, and vitamins A and D. However, wild salmon may have higher levels of these nutrients than farmed salmon.

Wild salmon is also typically lower in calories and fat than farmed salmon. Additionally, wild salmon contains more vitamins and minerals than farmed salmon.

If you’re looking for wild salmon, the Pacific is the way to go. There are 5 types of Pacific salmon: King, Sockeye, Coho, Pink, and Chum.

While there are still some wild Atlantic salmon out there, they’re becoming increasingly rare due to overfishing and habitat destruction. Most Atlantic salmon on the market today is farm-raised.

When it comes to choosing between wild and farm-raised salmon, it’s ultimately up to personal preference. If you’re looking for the healthiest option, wild salmon is the way to go.

But if you’re on a budget or you prefer a milder flavor, farm-raised salmon may be a better choice.

6 Types Of Salmon

As we mentioned before, there are 6 main types of salmon: King, Coho, Pink, Sockeye, Chum, and Atlantic salmon. Here’s a closer look at each one:

1. Chinook Salmon/King Salmon

Chinook salmon, also known as king salmon, is the largest type of salmon. The average size of a chinook salmon is 3-4 feet long and 20-30 pounds, but they can grow up to 5 feet long and 135 pounds (61.4 kg).

King salmon are found in the Pacific Ocean from California to Alaska. They’re also found in rivers throughout the Pacific Northwest, including the Columbia River.

King salmon has a high-fat content, which gives them a rich flavor and moist texture. They’re also very high in omega-3 fatty acids, making them a healthy choice for any meal.

Chinook salmon identification:

The Chinook Salmon is the largest species of Pacific salmon and can be identified by several distinct characteristics. The most striking feature of the Chinook is its black-colored mouth, which gives it the nickname “blackmouth salmon.”

Other identifying features include small, round spots on both the upper and lower halves of the tail, and scattered spots on the back. During spawning season, Chinook transforms and their heads and mouths grow longer.

Their bodies and tails turn olive-brown or maroon. The only things that remain unchanged are their spots, which can still be seen on their backs and tails.

2. Coho Salmon/Silver Salmon

Coho salmon are also known as “silver salmon.” They’re relatively small, averaging around 6-8 pounds.

Coho salmon have a light pink flesh and a milder flavor than some of the other types of salmon. They’re also lower in fat than other types of salmon.

Coho salmon are typically found in the Pacific Ocean, but they can also be found in rivers and lakes. Coho salmon are popular among anglers because they put up a good fight when they’re hooked.

Coho salmon identification:

Coho Salmon can be distinguished from other salmon species by their black mouths and white gums. They also have spots along their backs, but these are only present on the upper half of the tail.

When spawning, Coho Salmon turns a bright red or maroon color, with a dark back, head, and tail. Males also develop a long, hooked nose during this time, known as a “kype”, which is used to fight off other fish.

For this reason, Coho Salmon is sometimes referred to as “Hooknose Salmon”.

3. Pink Salmon/Humpies/Humpback Salmon

Pink salmon, also known as humpies or humpback salmon, is the smallest and most abundant type of Pacific salmon. They’re found in rivers and streams all across North America and Asia. They’re typically found in the Pacific Ocean and are caught wild.

This type of salmon is named for its pinkish flesh, which is caused by a diet of crustaceans. Pink salmon have a mild flavor and a slightly oily texture. They’re often used in canned salmon products, as their small size makes them easy to process.

Canned pink salmon is a great budget-friendly option for those looking for a healthy source of protein.

When it comes to cooking, pink salmon is best suited for grilling, smoking, or canning. It’s also often used in sushi.

Pink salmon identification:

The Pink Salmon is a species of salmon that can be identified by its slight pinkish hue, dark flecks on the body, and large oval spots on the tail. The Pink Salmon is also distinguished by its white mouth with dark gums, which is the opposite of that of the Coho Salmon.

Another identifying feature of the Pink Salmon is the large hump on its back which develops when spawning. This hump is similar to that of the Sockeye Salmon but unlike the Sockeye, the Pink Salmon does not turn red when spawning.

Instead, its top half turns a dull gray while its bottom half turns white or cream.

4. Red Salmon/Sockeye Salmon

Red salmon, also known as sockeye salmon, is a type of wild-caught Pacific salmon. It’s characterized by its bright red flesh and firm texture. Red salmon get their name from their reddish-orange flesh, which is caused by their high levels of astaxanthin (a type of antioxidant).

Sockeye salmon are typically smaller than other types of salmon, averaging around 4-6 pounds. They’re also relatively lean, with a fat content of around 10%.

These fish are found in the North Pacific and typically return to freshwater rivers to spawn. Sockeye salmon have a high oil content, which makes them rich and flavorful.

Their high oil content also makes sockeye salmon ideal for smoking and canning. If you’re looking for a delicious canned salmon, sockeye is a great choice.

Sockeye salmon identification:

The easiest way to identify a Sockeye Salmon is by its bright golden eyes. These fish also have much larger mouths than other types of salmon, with white gums and teeth. Another identifying feature of the Sockeye is the lack of spots on its back and tail.

During spawning, male Sockeye Salmon develop a bump on their backs. Both sexes also turn bright red, with a green head and tail. If you see a salmon with these characteristics, it is most likely a Sockeye.

5. Silverbrite Salmon/Chum Salmon/Keta Salmon/Dog Salmon

This type of salmon is also known as Silverbrite, Chum, Keta, or Dog salmon. It’s the second most common type of Pacific salmon, after pink salmon, and they spawn in rivers and streams.

Chum salmon are typically smaller than other types of salmon, and they have a high-fat content. Chum salmon are often used for canning, as their small size makes them ideal for this purpose. However, they can also be smoked, grilled, or baked.

Chum salmon have a milder flavor than other types of salmon, making them a good choice for those who don’t like fish with a strong taste.

Chum salmon are not commonly consumed in the United States, but they’re popular in Japan, where it is often used in sushi.

Chum salmon identification:

Chum salmon can be difficult to distinguish from sockeye salmon at first glance. Both fish have white mouths and lack the spots that are common on other types of salmon.

However, if you look closely, you should be able to see subtle bands of color running down the body of the chum salmon. In addition, chum salmon have much larger teeth than other types of salmon, which has earned them the nickname “Dog Salmon.”

When spawning, chum salmon turn an eerie green with distinct purple stripes, making them look like undead tigers. They also grow hooked mouths like Sockeye and Coho salmon, completing their nightmarish appearance.

6. Salmo Salar/Atlantic Salmon

Atlantic salmon is the most common type of salmon found in stores. It’s also the type of salmon that’s typically used in canned salmon.

Atlantic salmon are found in the cool waters of the North Atlantic Ocean. They have a dark flesh and a milder flavor than other types of salmon.

Farm-raised Atlantic salmon is the most common type of farmed salmon. It’s typically lower in fat than wild-caught salmon and has a milder flavor.

Atlantic salmon is a popular choice for many people because it’s relatively affordable.

If you’re looking for wild Atlantic salmon, you might have to look hard – they’re becoming increasingly rare due to overfishing and habitat destruction.

Atlantic salmon identification:

The Atlantic Salmon is a fish that is easily identifiable by its large dark spots on the gill covers and x or y-shaped spots on the upper body. This fish is also known to change colors, depending on its spawning cycle and whether it is landlocked or not.

The Atlantic Salmon is a migratory fish, meaning that it will travel to different bodies of water in order to spawn. When spawning, the Atlantic Salmon will turn a dark, bronzish brown color and may develop red spots instead of their usual dark x-shaped ones.

Because of this color change, they are often mistaken for Brown Trout. The best way to tell the difference between the two fish is by looking at the gills and lower body for dark spots.

The Atlantic Salmon is a popular fish to eat, as it is known for its high quality and taste. When buying this fish, make sure to look for the Marine Stewardship Council logo, which indicates that the fish has been sustainably caught.

What Are The Other Types Of Salmon?

There are several other types of salmon besides the pinkish-orange fish that is typically served in restaurants. These other types of salmon include:

1. Huchen

Huchen (also known as the Danube salmon) is a type of salmon that is found in the Danube River. It has a long, slender body with a white belly and dark-colored back. The fish is typically between two and three feet long and weighs between eight and fifteen pounds.

Huchen are not as widely available as other types of salmon, but they can be found in some specialty stores. The fish has a milder flavor than other types of salmon and is often used in soups and stews. The flesh of the Huchen is dark and fatty.

2. Siberian Salmon

The Siberian Salmon is the largest type of salmon. It can weigh up to 100 pounds and can be found in the rivers of Siberia. It is also known as Karasik or Gorbuscha.

The flesh of Siberian salmon is pink to red in color and has a large, firm texture. It is similar to pink salmon in appearance, but it has a slightly different flavor.

The flesh of the Siberian salmon is darker and has a more intense flavor. This type of salmon is often used in smoked salmon products.

3. Black Sea Salmon

The Black Sea Salmon is a variety of salmon that is found in the Black Sea. It is similar to the Pacific salmon, but it has a darker flesh and a richer flavor.

This type of salmon is also known as the “Japanese Salmon” because it was introduced to Japan in the early 20th century. This type of salmon is often used in sushi and sashimi.

The Black Sea Salmon is an anadromous fish, meaning it spends most of its life in salt water but returns to freshwater to spawn.

4. Oncorhynchus Masou

This type of salmon is also known as the Japanese Salmon or the Cherry Salmon. It is found in the western Pacific Ocean and is characterized by its bright red flesh.

It is the only species in the Oncorhynchus genus that is not found in the Atlantic or Arctic oceans. The Masou salmon has a maximum length of 25-30 inches and a maximum weight of about 20 pounds.

This type of salmon is closely related to the pink salmon and has a similar taste.

5. Salmo Obtusirostris

The scientific name for this type of salmon is Salmo Obtusirostris. It is also known as the common trout, lake trout, or mountain trout. This type of salmon is found in North America and parts of Europe.

The Adriatic salmon has a dark greenish-brown body with small spots on its back and sides. The belly is white with large black spots. The average length of this fish is 30-50 centimeters (12-20 inches).

This type of salmon is a popular game fish because it is relatively easy to catch. It is also a popular choice for smoking and canning.

How To Choose The Best Salmon?

When choosing salmon, there are a few things you’ll want to keep in mind:

– First, take a look at the color of the flesh. The flesh of wild salmon should be bright and vibrant. If it looks dull or pale, it’s probably farm-raised.

– Next, smell the salmon. It should have a fresh, ocean-like smell. If it smells fishy or off, don’t buy it.

– Finally, feel the flesh of the fish. It should be firm to the touch and not mushy.

– Wild-caught salmon is typically more expensive than farmed, but it’s also more sustainable. If you’re looking for wild-caught salmon, be sure to check the label or ask your fishmonger.

– Farmed salmon is a good budget-friendly option. It’s important to know where your farmed salmon comes from, as some farms have better practices than others.

Note: The bottom line is that both wild and farmed salmon can be a healthy choice, as long as you choose fresh, high-quality fish.

– The type of salmon you choose will depend on your personal preferences. Some people prefer the milder flavor of Atlantic salmon, while others prefer the richer taste of sockeye salmon. Ultimately, it’s up to you to decide what you like best.

– When it comes to canned salmon, pink salmon is typically the most affordable option. Sockeye salmon is also a good choice if you’re looking for a delicious and healthy canned fish.

Moreover, when choosing the best salmon, it really depends on your personal preferences. Consider what type of salmon you want, how you want to cook it, and whether you prefer wild or farm-raised salmon. With so many delicious options available, there’s sure to be a salmon that’s perfect for you!

FAQs Of Types Of Salmon

1. Do you eat the skin of the salmon?

The skin of the salmon is safe to eat and is often eaten by people who enjoy the taste. The skin is also a good source of omega-3 fatty acids, which are beneficial for your health.

If you are not a fan of the taste of fish skin, you can remove it before cooking. If you choose to eat the skin, make sure that it is properly cooked to avoid any foodborne illness.

2. Is Costco salmon farmed or wild?

There are two types of salmon: farmed and wild. Farmed salmon is raised in captivity, typically in large pens in the ocean. Wild salmon, on the other hand, is caught in the wild.

Costco sells both farmed and wild salmon. The type of salmon sold depends on the time of year and the availability of wild salmon.

Farmed salmon is typically available year-round, while wild salmon is usually only available in the spring and summer.

3. Can farmed salmon breed with wild salmon?

The short answer is yes, they can. However, it is not common for the two to breed in the wild. Farmed salmon are typically bred in captivity, and their offspring are also raised in captivity.

This means that they have little to no exposure to the wild. As a result, when they are released into the wild, they are not accustomed to the conditions and are less likely to survive.

There are several reasons why farmers might want their salmon to breed with wild salmon. One reason is that it can help to improve the quality of farm-raised fish.

Another reason is that it can help to increase the number of salmon in the wild population. However, there are also some drawbacks to this practice.

One of the biggest concerns is that it can lead to the spread of disease from the farm-raised salmon to the wild population. Additionally, it can also result in the genetic alteration of the wild salmon population.

4. Are there 5 main types of salmon?

The five main types of salmon are: Sockeye, Coho, Chinook, Chum, and Pink. Each type of salmon has its own unique flavor, texture, and nutritional value.

5. What species are farmed salmon?

There are many types of salmon, but the most common farmed salmon is the Atlantic salmon. Atlantic salmon is native to the north Atlantic Ocean and has been introduced to other areas, including the Pacific Northwest, Chile, and New Zealand.

Farmed salmon is typically larger and higher in fat than wild salmon. It is also more affordable and widely available. Atlantic salmon has a milder flavor than other types of salmon and is often described as being buttery.

6. Which salmon is healthiest?

Pacific salmon is the healthiest type of salmon. It is high in omega-3 fatty acids, which are beneficial for your heart and brain health. Pacific salmon is also lower in mercury than other types of salmon.

7. Can salmon and trout crossbreed?

Yes, salmon and trout can crossbreed. In fact, they often do in the wild. However, the offspring of these two fish are sterile and cannot reproduce. This is because salmon and trout belong to different species within the same family of fish.

While you may not be able to tell the difference between a salmon and a trout at first glance, there are some subtle differences between these two fish. For example, trout tend to have smaller scales and a more streamlined body than salmon.

8. What is the most expensive salmon?

The most expensive salmon is the king salmon, also known as the chinook salmon. The king salmon is the largest type of salmon and can weigh up to 135 pounds! The king salmon is prized for its fatty flesh, which makes it perfect for smoking or grilling.

While the king salmon is the most expensive type of salmon, it’s not the only expensive one. The sockeye salmon is also quite pricey, as it’s prized for its bright red flesh and high omega-3 content.

9. Can Atlantic salmon mate with pacific salmon?

The short answer is yes, they can but the offspring will be sterile. This is because there are different numbers of chromosomes in each species.

However, it is very rare for offspring to survive in the wild due to the different environments where each species of salmon live. Atlantic salmon are found on the east coast of North America, while Pacific salmon are found on the west coast.

10. What salmon is used for sushi?

The three most popular types of salmon used in sushi are Chinook or king, sockeye, and Atlantic.

Chinook salmon, also known as king salmon, is the largest type of salmon. It has a high-fat content, which makes it rich and oily. This makes it perfect for sushi, as it has a distinct flavor that pairs well with sushi rice.

Sockeye salmon is a smaller, leaner type of salmon. It has a bright red flesh and a higher Omega-3 content than other types of salmon. This makes it a healthy choice for sushi, as it is less likely to cause inflammation.

Atlantic salmon is the most common type of salmon used in sushi. It has a milder flavor than other types of salmon and is lower in fat. This makes it a good choice for people who are new to sushi, as it is less likely to cause indigestion.

11. What is the best type of salmon to eat?

There are many different types of salmon, each with its own unique flavor and texture. So what is the best type of salmon to eat? It really depends on your personal preferences.

If you’re looking for something rich and fatty, then you’ll want to choose a type of salmon like sockeye or king salmon. These varieties are typically wild-caught and have a higher fat content, which gives them a richer flavor.

If you’re looking for a type of salmon that is versatile and easy to cook, then Atlantic salmon is a good choice. This type of salmon is farmed, so it is widely available and usually quite affordable.

If you want to try something a little bit different, then Chum salmon might be for you. This type of salmon has a very mild flavor, making it a good choice for those who are new to salmon.

12. Which salmon is the least fishy tasting?

There are many types of salmon, but some are less fishy tasting than others. Sockeye and Coho salmon have a more delicate flavor, while chinook and chum salmon have a stronger, more distinct taste. If you’re looking for a salmon that is less fishy tasting, Sockeye or Coho (Sliver) would be a good choice.

13. What is the most common type of salmon?

The most common type of salmon is the pink salmon. This fish is named for its pinkish-orange color, which is caused by a diet of krill and other small crustaceans. Pink salmon has a mild flavor and is lower in fat than other types of salmon.

Pink salmon are the smallest of all the salmon species, averaging around 2-5 pounds. They are found in the North Pacific Ocean and migrate to the rivers of Alaska, British Columbia, and Washington to spawn.

14. What type of salmon is used in restaurants?

The type of salmon used in restaurants is typically farmed Atlantic salmon. This fish is native to the east coast of North America but is now also farmed in Europe and South America.

Atlantic salmon has pinkish-orange flesh and a mild flavor. It is a popular choice for restaurant dishes because it is relatively inexpensive and easy to cook.

15. What is the smallest salmon species?

The smallest salmon species is the pink salmon. Pink salmon are also the most common type of salmon found in canned products.

They are named for their flesh, which is pink or orange in color. Pink salmon are typically only about 10-12 inches long and weigh around 2-5 pounds.

16. Where does the best salmon come from?

There are many salmon-producing countries in the world, but some stand out more than others. In terms of quality, the best salmon comes from Norway, Alaska, and Scotland. These countries have the perfect conditions for producing high-quality salmon.

The fish are fed a healthy diet and have plenty of room to swim around in clean water. This results in salmon that is flavorful and nutritious.

17. What is the biggest salmon species?

There are many different types of salmon, but the biggest is the Chinook salmon. It can weigh up to 135 pounds and grow up to 5 feet long! The Chinook salmon is also known as the king salmon because of its size. This type of salmon is found in the Pacific Ocean, from California to Alaska.

18. Can I use supermarket salmon for sushi?

The short answer is yes, you can use supermarket salmon for sushi. The longer answer is that it really depends on the quality of the salmon.

If you’re using sushi-grade salmon, then you can be sure that it’s safe to eat raw. However, if you’re using lower-quality salmon, it’s best to cook it before eating it.

19. What is a male salmon called?

A male salmon is typically called a “buck,” while a female is called a “hen.” Salmon are born in freshwater streams and rivers, but they spend the majority of their lives in the ocean.

After several years, they return to their birthplace to spawn. Once they have spawned, they die. Depending on the species, salmon can travel thousands of miles in their lifetime.


Here, we have looked at 6 main types of salmon available: Chinook, Coho, Sockeye, Chum, Atlantic, and Pink. Each type of salmon has its own unique flavor and texture.

Salmon is a versatile fish that can be cooked in many different ways. It is also a healthy source of protein. Consider the type of fish and the method of cooking that you prefer.

If you’re looking for something rich and fatty, opt for a king salmon. If you’re looking for something light and flaky, go for a sockeye salmon.

When choosing salmon, look for fish that is wild-caught and fresh. If you’re not sure which type of salmon to choose, ask your local fishmonger for their recommendation.

With so many options available, there’s sure to be a type of salmon that’s perfect for you.

Now that you know all about the different types of salmon, you can find the perfect one for your next meal. Be sure to check out our other blog posts for more cooking tips and recipes.

And don’t forget to share this post with your friends who love salmon as much as you do. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave them below. We’d love to hear from you.

Thanks for reading!


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